This information may not be republished, sold, or used in any other form without the written consent of the Oregon State Bar Professional Liability Fund except that permission is granted for Oregon lawyers to use and modify these materials in their own practices. The information presented does not represent legal advice. Readers should conduct their own appropriate legal research. This material is provided for informational purposes only and does not establish, report, or create the standard of care for attorneys in Oregon, nor does it represent a complete analysis of the topics presented. Professional News, Alerts, and Content Monitoring - Strengthen Existing Client Relationships | Grow Your Business

© 2022 OSB Professional Liability Fund.Editing Software for the Legal Profession The renewal process is the same as purchasing your first license once you finish the purchasing process, we’ll email you a new license key to. We will suggest renewing it when your current subscription is about to expire, but there is no automatic renewal. Editing Software for the Legal Profession Like the edits suggested by WordRake, the decision to renew WordRake is up to you.